How to Get Rid of Raccoons: Removal Methods


Raccoons can be a nuisance when they invade your property, causing damage and potentially spreading diseases. There are a few steps required for raccoon removal. We are here to teach you the safe and effective way to get rid of these wildlife creatures as a professional wildlife removal company

Wildlife Inspections

When dealing with a raccoon problem, it is crucial to hire a pest control expert to conduct a thorough wildlife inspection. This inspection serves several important purposes in the wildlife removal process.

Firstly, a pest control expert will assess the extent of the raccoon problem. They will carefully examine your property, identifying signs of raccoon activity such as droppings, damage to structures, and entry points. This assessment allows them to understand the scale of the infestation and develop an appropriate removal plan.

Additionally, a wildlife inspection helps in evaluating the damage caused by raccoons. Raccoons can wreak havoc on your property, chewing on electrical wiring, tearing up insulation, and causing structural damage. By assessing the extent of the damage, the pest control expert can advise you on necessary repairs and preventive measures.

Special circumstances must also be considered during the inspection. Raccoons may have created nests or have babies present on your property. A knowledgeable pest control expert will be able to identify these situations and handle them with care. They may physically check for babies before implementing any removal strategies, ensuring that the entire raccoon family is dealt with.

To ensure efficient and effective removal, consider hiring reputable wildlife removal companies like Petti Pest Control. We offer customized plans tailored to your specific raccoon problem, focusing on long-term solutions to prevent future invasions. We guarantee our work and have extensive knowledge of raccoon behavior and habits. Utilizing humane live traps, we safely remove raccoons from your property and relocate them to suitable environments.

Locating the Raccoon

When dealing with a raccoon infestation, it is crucial to locate the whereabouts of these elusive creatures. A professional wildlife removal expert will conduct a thorough assessment of your property, searching for signs of raccoon activity such as droppings, damage to structures, and entry points. This careful examination allows them to understand the extent of the infestation and develop an appropriate removal plan.

Assessing the Scope of the Raccoon Infestation

Additionally, a wildlife inspection helps identify the damage caused by raccoons, including chewing on electrical wiring, tearing up insulation, and causing structural damage. By assessing the full scope of the problem, the expert can advise you on necessary repairs and preventive measures. Special circumstances, such as nests or babies present, are also considered during the inspection. As a reputable wildlife removal company we are knowledgeable in raccoon behavior and habits, ensuring that the entire raccoon family is dealt with safely and humanely.

Humane Raccoon Trapping

When it comes to dealing with raccoon infestations, humane trapping is the recommended method for removal. This process ensures the safety of both the animals and humans involved. Unlike methods such as direct capture, which is not commonly used due to the risk of raccoons being a rabies vector species, humane trapping provides a controlled and secure approach.

The process of humane raccoon trapping involves several steps. Firstly, professional wildlife technicians are trained to safely and securely set up cage traps in strategic locations where raccoons are frequently seen or have created damage. These traps are designed to capture raccoons without causing them harm. Once trapped, the captured raccoons are then safely and carefully transported to wildlife rehabilitation centers.

Dead Raccoon Removal

When it comes to dead raccoon removal, acting quickly is crucial to prevent potential pest problems and health hazards. A deceased raccoon can attract other animals, such as scavengers and insects, which can further disrupt the surrounding environment. Additionally, the decomposition process can lead to a strong and unpleasant odor.

To handle dead raccoon removal, it is advisable to contact a professional pest control company like us. We have the necessary expertise and equipment to safely and effectively remove the carcass.

Nest Removal and Clean Up

After successfully evicting raccoons from your property, it's crucial to address the aftermath by ensuring nest removal and thorough clean up. Failing to do so can result in potential health hazards and damage to your property.

Nest removal is a critical step in preventing re-infestation. Raccoons create nests in attics, chimneys, and other secluded areas, which can harbor parasites, feces, and urine. Removing these nests promptly and effectively is necessary to eliminate any lingering odors and prevent future raccoon invasions. We utilize humane trapping methods to safely remove nests, ensuring your property remains raccoon-free.

Following nest removal, thorough cleaning and sanitizing of the affected area is vital. Raccoon feces, known as raccoon droppings, carry various germs and diseases that can pose serious health risks to humans. These include raccoon roundworm, which can cause severe neurological problems. To ensure the safety of your family and pets, we offer comprehensive cleaning services. This process involves removing contaminated insulation, feces, urine, and any other visible signs of raccoon activity.

Exclusion for Immediate Raccoon Control

Exclusion services play a crucial role in achieving immediate raccoon control on your property. While removing existing raccoons is important, sealing off all potential entry points is equally essential to prevent future infestations.

Raccoons are skilled climbers and can easily access attics, chimneys, and other vulnerable areas of your home. To effectively exclude them, it is necessary to identify and repair any gaps or openings that raccoons can exploit. Using durable materials that can withstand their persistent attempts to re-enter is key.

Our professional wildlife technicians utilize specialized materials such as heavy-duty wire mesh, galvanized steel, and sturdy sealants to seal off entry points. These materials are specifically designed to withstand the strength and determination of raccoons. By securely sealing off any gaps or openings, you can significantly reduce the risk of future raccoon invasions.

Contact Professional Wildlife Removal Experts

When dealing with a raccoon infestation, it is crucial to contact professional wildlife removal experts who specialize in handling these situations. Hiring a reputable company that understands raccoon behavior and utilizes humane trapping methods is essential for a successful and ethical wildlife removal process. Contact our team here at Petti Pest Control today to get raccoons out of your home! We offer wildlife removal services in the following locations throughout Virginia and West Virginia: 

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