How to Get Rid of Centipedes in Your Virginia Home

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Centipedes can be quite a common pest in Virginia homes. While they play a beneficial role in controlling other pests, their presence indoors can be unwelcome. If you're dealing with a centipede infestation in your Virginia home, there are several effective methods to get rid of them. We will walk you through how to identify centipedes and get rid of them for good.

What do Centipedes Look Like?

Centipedes are fascinating creatures with unique physical characteristics. They have elongated bodies composed of multiple body segments. These segments range in number across different species, but on average, centipedes have around 30 body segments. Each body segment is adorned with a pair of legs, giving centipedes their distinct appearance. It's not uncommon for centipedes to have anywhere from 30 to 354 legs!

Are there Different Kinds of Centipedes?

In Virginia, you can find several common types of centipedes, including the house centipede (Scutigera coleoptrata) and the stone centipede (Lithobius spp.). These centipedes vary in coloration, with some displaying shades of brown, while others may have a yellow or reddish-brown hue. Regardless of their color, their elongated bodies and numerous legs make them easily recognizable.

What do Centipedes do?

Centipedes are active hunters, using their many legs to navigate their environment and search for prey. Their segmented bodies allow for flexibility and ease of movement as they crawl in search of food. Although centipedes might appear intimidating to some, they play an important role in controlling populations of other pests.

Signs of a Centipede Infestation in Virginia

Signs of a Centipede Infestation in Virginia homes may include visible sightings of these nocturnal creatures. As centipedes are active hunters, they may be spotted crawling on walls, floors, or other surfaces in your home. Additionally, evidence of their presence can be found in the form of shed exoskeletons. Centipedes periodically shed their exoskeletons as they grow, leaving these dry, papery remains behind.

While centipedes themselves may not cause significant damage to your home, their feeding habits can be a nuisance. Centipedes primarily feed on other pests, such as spiders, cockroaches, and silverfish. Therefore, if you notice a decrease in these pests, it could be a sign of a centipede infestation.

Are Centipedes Dangerous?

Centipedes may look intimidating with their numerous pairs of legs and segmented bodies, but are they actually dangerous? While centipedes are not typically a threat to humans, their presence can still be unsettling. Centipedes are active hunters, seeking out their prey, however, if they feel threatened, they may bite in self-defense. Although their bites are rarely harmful to humans, some people may experience allergic reactions or mild discomfort

Why Are There Centipedes In My Home?

Centipedes are commonly found in homes due to a combination of factors that make these spaces attractive to these creatures. Understanding the reasons behind their presence can help homeowners effectively deal with centipede infestations.

Centipedes require specific habitats to survive, and homes provide ideal conditions for them. They thrive in dark and moist spaces, such as basements, crawl spaces, and bathrooms, which offer a steady supply of moisture. These nocturnal creatures are also active hunters and prefer areas with an abundant food supply, such as insects like spiders, ants, and pill bugs.

Furthermore, centipedes can gain entry into homes through various common entry points. Cracks in foundations, gaps around windows and doors, and openings near utility pipes provide easy access for these pests. They can also use vegetation like leaf piles and plant material near the exterior walls of the house to enter.

How Do I Get Rid Of Centipedes In My House?

If you are dealing with a centipede infestation in your house, there are several steps you can take to effectively get rid of them.

  1. Start by identifying potential entry points and sealing any cracks or gaps in windows, doors, and foundations. Centipedes can squeeze through tiny openings, so it is important to thoroughly inspect and seal any possible points of entry.
  2. Eliminate their food supply by keeping your home clean and removing any organic material. Centipedes are attracted to insects, so reducing the presence of other pests like spiders, ants, and pill bugs can help deter them. Regularly vacuuming, sweeping, and removing clutter can also help eliminate their food source.
  3. Take advantage of sticky traps. Placing sticky traps in areas where centipedes are commonly seen can help capture and control their population. These traps are a simple and effective way to catch centipedes and prevent further infestation.
  4. Apply natural remedies. Products like boric acid and diatomaceous earth can be effective in killing and repelling centipedes. Sprinkle these natural substances in areas where centipedes are likely to frequent, such as cracks and crevices.
  5. Consider contacting a pest control professional. If the centipede infestation persists or if you have a severe problem, it may be best to seek the assistance of a pest control professional. They can provide expert advice and targeted treatments to effectively eliminate centipedes from your home.

By following these steps and incorporating these strategies, you can successfully get rid of centipedes in your house and maintain a centipede-free environment. If you require additional assistance be sure to contact Petti Pest Control in Virginia for more help! 

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